iOS Apps and Designd Reviewer App version 8.1.5
Features Added:
- Support added for New content Type “HTML”
- Added support for “Video Start” and “Video Complete” events for Firebase and Google Analytics
- UTM and deep-linking tracking support added.
- Added Subscription Description View on Library
- Added support for optional categories "All", "My Issues", "On Device" from publish portal.
To enable/disable default categories in iOS app, go to Apps > iOS> build settings
Scroll down to Menu settings, Select Show Default Categories , Click on Save , generate new build and test new UI.
- Added support for showing Folders in the Library section
Bug Fixing:
- Issue fixed for Help Mib on iPhone X and iPhone XS templates
- Issue fixed for Notifications always working even when not allowed in iOS 9
- Issue fixed for HTML Block not loading youtube iFrame content
- Issue fixed for Share view position in MIB
- Issues handled for special characters coming in Team name during iOS build generation Process
Android Apps and Designd Reviewer App version 8.1.5
Features Added :
- Support added for New content Type “HTML”
- Pull to Refresh is added in library to update the content
- Added support for “Video Start” and “Video Complete” events for Firebase and Google Analytics
- Added a Rate and Review popup app users to rate the app on google play store
- Enhanced Library UI features by replacing navigation drawer icons with animated icons, general look and feel of buttons, etc.
- UTM and deep-linking tracking support added
- Added support for displaying popup to user once updated content of MIB is available for download
- Added support for showing Folders in the Library section
Bug Fixes :
- Crash fixed when PDF and Web url are in HTML window block
- Crash fixed on tap on any button in library in android 4.4 (Kitkat)
- Crash fixed for Android M or upper versions if sharing is enabled on A layer
- Crash fixed when search on library is enabled in folder
- Crash fixed while playing playlist in android 4.4 (Kitkat)
- Issue fixed to refresh favourite page while delete or update an issue
- Issue fixed to highlight jump links on tap
- Issue fixed for unmapped issue which was not showing in Library in folder at first launch
Publish Portal
Features Added
- Support for adding new content type “HTML”
- Added Rate & Review section for android apps similar to iOS apps
Go to Apps >Android on the publish portal and click on Rate and Review

- Tighter integration of Backend with the mag+ License Subscription Services
- Added material design UI section for android apps
To enable new UI Theme in Android app, go to Apps > Android> build settings
Scroll down to options settings, Select the Enable new UI Theme, Click on Save , generate new build and test new UI.
- Enhanced UI and added a “Load more” option for app builds if the number of builds exceed 25 in the build creation tab.
- Added support for email verification for user registration on website.
- Added support for removing default categories "All", "My Issues", "On Device" on for iOS apps.
- Added support for adding Universal Linking on publish portal.
Bugs and improvements
- Issue fixed for MIB not showing up when zoom feature is enabled on XR and XS MAX iPhones.