8.3.2 Release Notes (01/07/2020)

iOS Apps and Designd Reviewer App version 8.3.2

Features Added:-

  1. Social Sign in feature released in white label application, Currently supporting Facebook and Google sign-in in the white label, this feature can be fully controlled via publish. With few simple steps, you can add social sign-in to your app using firebase integration.


Bugs Fixed:-

  1. Bug Fixed for extra space between branding Bar and banner in some specific scenarios.
  2. Keys added and handled for Video content in application text for locale.
  3. Text Search Feature implemented in Landscape verticals.
  4. Bug Fixed for download content through URL in Reviewer app for iOS 13.
  5. Bug Fixed for disable restore Feature.
  6. Bug Fixed for Dialogue box for missing issues (Restore functionality).
  7. Bug Fixed for Bookmark deletion related issue when relaunching app.
  8. Bug Fixed for Apple paid product price related issue in some specific scenarios.
  9. Bug Fixed for some specific verticals swapping issue on iPad pro devices.
  10. UI improvements on HTML and PDF types content.
  11. UI improvements in pop-up for Video content update.
  12. UI improvements for iOS 13.


Android Apps and Designd Reviewer App version 8.3.2 

Features Added:-

  1. Social Sign in feature released in white label application, Currently supporting Facebook, Twitter and Google sign-in in the white label, this feature can be fully controlled via publish. With few simple steps, you can add social sign-in to your app using firebase integration.


Bugs Fixed:-

  1. Bug Fixed for Crop Orientation feature in MIB not working on A-Layer.
  2. Bug Fixed for Inline Video with Hide At Media End option not working.
  3. Bug Fixed for zoom enabled HTML file crashing when used within HTML Block.


Publish Portal

Features Added:-

  • Social Sign in feature released in white label application, Currently supporting Facebook, Twitter and Google sign-in in the white label, this feature can be fully controlled via publish. There are separate sections for iOS and Android apps.

Please find the steps to add Social Sign in 

1. Go to Apps->iOS/Android - Click on Social Sign in


2. Under iOS settings select the social sign in options and fill the following details.


3. Under Android settings select the social sign in options and fill the following details.


Bugs Fixed:-

  • Bug fixed for infrequent page break issue while deleting an issue on publish. 


Designd Plugin

Features Added:

  • Added support for InDesign CC 2020
  • Removed support for InDesign CS5, CS5.5, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015 and CC 2017(Current supported versions are CS6, CC2018, CC 2019 and CC 2020)



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