Android- PDF Uploader

The PDF Uploader feature will allow you to directly upload a PDF file to the issues section in your mag+ Publish portal. The PDF file is automatically converted to a MIB file for device type you select. This feature is available for both for iOS and Android platform.

Note:  Since the PDF file is uploaded directly to your mag+ Publish portal and is not built with the Designd Plugin or Production Tool, the content will be static verticals/pages with no interactivity.

How to Upload Your PDF File

  • In the screen that appears, fill out the Issue details.
  • Click on the "Save" button to save your changes.
  • Click the "Upload PDFs" button to open the PDF uploader page.
  • Select the PDF file for each device(s) you want to upload it for and click the "Upload" button. The upload process has been completed when you see the issue GUID, MIB number and ID appear
NOTE: Only publish an Issue after you have tested it on your own devices and are satisfied with the results. To test unpublished issues before publishing you'll need to set up your device as a test device.
  • The "Return to issue" button at the top and publish issue.


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