Please find the webinar on DPS Overlay in mag+ Designd
This article outlines how to use the DPS Overlay to mag+ Designd converter tool. If you are new to mag+ we recommend reviewing our mag+ and DPS terminology glossary that lists comparable terms with Adobe DPS.
The DPS converter tool is as simple as opening InDesign, selecting your DPS Overlay document, choosing the appropriate settings and then importing!
1. Open InDesign
4. Select the appropriate 'Import Options' that best fit how you want to convert your DPS Overlay document

Open a Copy of the DPS Document - Opens the original DPS Overlay document after import.
Create "Auto" Orientation Pages - Forces the layout to be Auto Orientation. If unselected, the tool will retain the original DPS Overlay document's orientation. If the overlay document contains alternate layouts, this setting is ignored.
Move Overlay Items To Pinning Layer - Places DPS elements created as Overlay objects on the B-Pinned mag+ Layer.
Convert All Buttons - Converts InDesign Button objects to mag+ hotspots.
Override Master Page Items - Creates a "local override" of a DPS master page item on each page the master is applied.
Once your DPS Overlay has been imported you are ready to either export your mag+ vertical, convert it to another device template or modify the design if desired. Everything you need to know about reviewing, creating or modifying your content can be found on our support site under the Creating Your Content section.