Adding and Managing Categories

With the 6.2.1 iOS and Android product update, released May 3, 2016, mag+ introduced the "Categories" feature. For step-by-step instructions on how to add and manage your categories please read below in this article.

NOTE: Categories can be added and managed instantly without a new build once you have updated your app to a 6.2.1 build.

With this feature you can now assign specific issues to display within a custom category tab right in your issue library.

Adding a category and assigning issues

1. Click the "Categories" tab in your Designd Publish Portal

Click the "Categories" tab in your Designd Publish Portal

2. Enter desired category name and click the "Add" button

Enter desired category name and click the "Add" button

3. Check the boxes of the category and all of the issues you would like to be added

Check the boxes of the category and all of the issues you would like to be added

4. Click "Add issues to category" button at the bottom of the issue list

Managing categories

If you find that you want to remove an issue from a category, delete a category or add issues to multiple categories you can follow the steps below.

NOTE: Categories are automatically listed alphabetically, they cannot be reordered at this time.

Removing an issue from a category and deleting categories

If you want to remove an issue from a category, the entire category must be deleted. Then you can just recreate the category and re-add the issues you want included.

Delete the category by clicking the red "x" button next to it

Adding issues to multiple categories

1. To add an issue to a multiple categories simply create another category and click the "Add" button

2. Check the boxes of the new category and the issues you want added to the additional category

3. Click the "Add issues to category" button at the bottom of the issue list


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