Version 5.7
Released 9/1/2015
- No changes specific to the Reviewer. See Mag+ Android/Kindle Fire App Release Notes for changes to the Android apps.
Version 5.6
Released 7/7/2015
- No changes specific to the Reviewer. See Mag+ Android/Kindle Fire App Release Notes for changes to the Android apps.
Version 5.5
Released 6/2/2015
- No changes specific to the Reviewer. See Mag+ Android/Kindle Fire App Release Notes for changes to the Android apps.
Version 5.4
Released: 5/05/2015
- Added Appboy Feedback and Newsfeed to reviewer.
- All possible push addresses will now show in reviewer.
Version 5.3.2
Released: 4/7/2015
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes a bug where audio in an HTML frame would stop playing if the device was rotated. [ZD #17229]
- Fixes a problem in Enhanced Slideshows where slides that were offset from each other would be realigned to the top-left corner upon export.
Version 5.3.0
Released: 3/9/2015
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes a problem where a Kindle Fire app would continue playing a video in the background even when the device went to sleep. [ZD #18677]
- Fixes a problem where the same video would be triggered (unintentionally) by different Hotspots.
- Fixes a problem introduced in version 5.2.6 where Pinch/Zoom elements woud display blank. [ZD# 19177]
- Fixes a bug where the side navigation bar did not close before displaying a pushed MIB.
- Enhanced Slideshows are now supported. This allows Popups, Web & Jump Links, and Videos to be embedded in a slideshow. For more information, please read the article "Creating Slideshows in InDesign."
Version 5.2.6
Released: 1/8/2015
Bug Fixes:
- Enables Bonjour (mDNS) discovery on devices running Android KitKat (4.4) and up.
Version 5.2.3
Released: 12/3/2014
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes a bug where the Reviewer would crash when a device is rotated with Zoom applied to a Popup. [ZD# 17740]
- Fixes a bug where a Popup with Zoom applied would not display correctly. [ZD# 17739]
- Fixes a bug where MIB-level orientation applied in the Mag+ Production Tool would not be respected over the Mag+ InDesign Plugin setting. [ZD# 17730]
Version 5.2.2
Released: 11/4/2014
- Now supports tel: and sms: links.
- Supports parsing block-level slideshows.
Version 5.2
Released: 10/14/2014
Bug Fixes:
- External web links now work properly after a third hotspot is tapped. [ZD #17483]
Version 5.1.6
Released: 9/2/2014
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes a bug where the Play button in a playlist did not start the first song when it was tapped.
- Fixes a bug where Verticals would not load when swiping through an Issue and going back to the previous Vertical. [ZD #16530]
- Fixes a bug where an auto-play, full-screen slideshow would not allow the user to proceed to the next Vertical by swiping. [ZD #16566]
- Fixes an issue where the top of a Table of Contents was clipping when in landscape mode. [ZD #16768]
- Fixes an issue where a Pan & Zoom image would not respect the initial position set in InDesign. [ZD #16665]
- Jump Links now work properly when using a Dual Layout in a landscape orientation. [ZD #16847]
- Custom "emailto:" links now work in an embedded web view. [ZD #15885]
- Fixes a crash that could occur when canceling a download.
- The Default action and Toggle action syntax now works properly for Media/Video objects.
- Supports the change in Mag+ Publish where iPhone MIBs are now served to Android smartphones if no specific Android smartphone MIB is available.
- Internal Jump Links now work for all shortcuts.
Version 5.1.5
Released: 8/7/2014
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes an issue where the A- layer continuously snapped to the last object displayed after rotating from the initial orientation. [ZD# 16613]
Version 5.1.4
Released: 8/5/2014
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes a bug where "emailto" links did not work for embedded HTML. [ZD# 15885]
- Fixes a crash when using the "openwindow" prefix in HTML. [ZD# 16342]
- Fixes a bug where the A-layer jumped to the top of page on device rotation. [ZD# 16478]
- Fixes a problem where audio in a Playlist continued playing after a MIB was deleted.
- Popup video now stops playing when the device screen is turned off.
- Fixes a bug where a device orientation change caused a bigger space to appear between Banners and Issues.
- Fixes a crash that occurred when there was an error in playing video.
- Fixes a situation where Free Issues would display a non-responsive Buy button.
- Fixes a bug where Featured Content descriptions were cut off in landscape mode.
- Fixes a bug where Featured Content was not showing on smartphones.
- Fixes the decompression progress bar disappearing on a device orientation change.
- Fixes a bug where "Panning" only allowed left and right swiping, not up or down. [ZD# 16378]
- External HTML is now zoomed out by default.
Version 5.1.3
Released: 7/1/2014
- Navigation drawer has been changed to a native implementation.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes an issue in touch handling on a slideshow when more than three slides were present. [ZD #15777]
- Fixes a bug where A-Layer content was not snapping properly in the landscape orientation. [ZD #15052]
Version 5.1.2
Released: 6/13/2014
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes a bug with Pan & Zoom
Version 5.1.1
Released: 6/3/2014
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes a bug where transparent HTML objects were displayed as white on the Amazon Kindle. [ZD #15347]
- Fixes a bug where Pan & Zoom objects would disable scrolling touch events, leaving the user unable to scroll. [ZD #15427]
- Fixes a bug where the long-press-only setting was not read properly. [ZD #15503]
- Improves performance when rotating the device.
- Improves performance with the image bitmap memory cache.
Version 5.1
Released: 5/6/2014
- MIBs now render correctly when an Overlay is missing an A-layer.
- A problem where Panning and Zooming were not working properly when swiping between Verticals has been fixed. [ZD #14515]
- Miscellaneous fixes.
Version 5.0.5
Released: 4/8/2014
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes an issue where content would not display properly if an Overlay document was missing a B-layer.
Version 5.0.4
Released: 4/3/2014
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes an issue where Android download stats were incorrect (ZD #14564)
- Fixes an issue where a user could get a "connecting" message upon launch and would have to quit and re-launch to access the Library space
Released: 4/1/2014
- Now respects Pinning content to edges
- Improves rendering and memory management for long Verticals
Version 5.0.3
Released: 3/6/2014
- Banners now resize properly. Android banners should be in jpeg format be the following dimensionsions:
- Req width: 1600px
- Max height: 700px
- 1600 x 700 is considered landscape and will resize depending on the screen size of the device. When changed to a portrait orientation, the banner image will be cropped from the right.
- The "Remove Issues" button no longer appears upon device rotation if there are no issues on the device.
- Images are now sized correctly for slideshows pinned to something other than the top left.
- A black background is now applied to Verticals to avoid artifacts.
- Support for internal://toc/open and internal://bookmarks/open link URLs has been added.
- Online HTML blocks now work properly.
- Stability fixes have been added for Crashlytics.
- Issue Previews are now always centered on the device.
- OpenWindow link URLs now work in HTML.
Version 5.0.1
Released: 2/7/2014
- Fixes multiple videos issues. [ZD #13949]
- Banner in Issues screen scales according to device
Released: 2/3/2014
- Fixes a number of video issues.
- Fixes a problem with online media blocks.
- Fixes a problem regarding cropped verticals in compact verticals.
- Fixes a number of crashes.
Version 5.0
Released: 1/29/2014
Mag+ 5.0 is one the biggest releases we've had in more than a year, with upgrades to every component of the system.
As with all new versions, you can upgrade on your own schedule. You can use the new tools and still output a 4.X MIB until your app is updated.
Here's what's new in this release:
- Completely rewritten app: Not a single line of code in common with 4.4 or below.
- Featured content: A promotional space between the banners and the issue list where a specific product can be showcased. Options are: latest issue, specific issue or specific subscription. More info.
- Search functionality replaced by new filter options.
- Support for AppBoy.
- Support for Google Subscriptions.
- Support for Google Push Notifications (Google Cloud Messaging).
- Support for single-issue app builds where the issue is embedded.
- Completely new Reviewer, which now includes a Push Library.
- New menu system in both the Reviewer and white-label apps.
- Customizable app colors and icons.
- Banners available in combined store/library. More info.
- "No-Store Builds" now available: Enable you to publish apps in countries that do not support Google In-App Billing.
- Simultaneous Download supported.
- Completely new reading experience with support for all iOS creative features, including:
- Slideshow
- Pan & Zoom blocks
- Popup Groups
- Dual Layout
- Overlay
- Compact Verticals