Creating a New mag+ Designd Vertical Document Using the mag+ Designd Menu

Starting with version 5.3.1 of the mag+ InDesign plugin, the Mag+ Designd menu now features a command to create new Mag+ Designd Vertical documents. This article will cover how to use the command and what features it supports.

Before You Begin

Make sure you have the latest version of mag+ Indesign plugin. If not, download it from here:

How to Create a New Mag+ Designd Vertical Using the Mag+ Designd Menu

1. In InDesign, go to the Mag+ Designd menu and select "New Mag+ Designd Vertical..."

Note: You can also use this command by going to File > New > Mag+ Designd Vertical.

2. In the dialog that appears, fill out the appropriate fields and click on "OK."

Available Options

  • Device: This drop-down menu lets you choose the device template to use for your new document. Templates for mag+ supported devices are included with the default installation of the mag+ InDesign plugin.
  • ID: This field sets the ID of the Vertical when it is exported. Each Vertical in a mag+ Issue needs a unique ID, otherwise the latest export will overwrite a previous export. This ID is not seen by the end user, but is displayed in your analytics reporting. The small box to the right of the ID is used when creating Spreads (multiple Verticals that appear as a single preview in the app navigation). To learn more about Spreads, refer to the article "Creating a Spread with Two or More Verticals."
  • Name: This field is the name of the Vertical when it is exported and will appear in the Scrubber Bar of your app. It is also the name shown in the Bookmarks area of the app when the user bookmarks a Vertical.
  • Orientation: Choose an option from the drop-down menu if you want to lock the Vertical in either portrait or landscape orientation. Set this option to Auto if you want your Vertical to rotate when the device is rotated.
  • Num Pages: Choose the number of pages you would like to create in your layout. The pages will be based on the master page set in the orientation drop-down menu.
  • Additional Settings: Create Table of contents or Overlay with the help of additional settings. To learn more about table of contents, refer to this article “Table of Contents”. To learn more about overlay, refer to this article “Creating an Overlay Layer”
Note: Device, ID, Name, and Orientation can all be changed later by going to the Mag+ Designd Vertical panel. You may also add and remove pages as needed by using the InDesign Pages panel.

3. Your Vertical document will be created using the parameters you specified.


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