Creating a Spread with Two or More Verticals

You can use mag+ to create a Vertical where two or more layouts are tied together into a spread. The content will then look like one piece in the app's thumbnail navigation scrubber, similar to what is shown circled in the image below.

Note: In order to export your document and have it appear correctly in the Mag+ Production Tool, you must set up your InDesign export folder to match the Issue folder in the mag+ Production Tool. For more information on setting up an Issue folder, read the article "How to Structure the Mag+ Issue Folder".

How to Connect Two Verticals

1. Open the Apple iPad Retina template on your computer from the mag+ > Templates > Apple iPhone6 folder.

2. Save the untitled document as "Spread Example 1".

3. Add some content to represent the first half of your spread.

Add some content to represent the first half of your spread.
Note: The portrait orientation ends at the left guide of the template. The content that is part of the spread should cross over the right guide so that the content will scroll seamlessly in your app as a user navigates between Verticals.

4. Go to mag+ > mag+ Vertical Panel, and enter the ID "Spread" and enter "1" in the field to the right of the dash.

Note: Normally each ID should be unique when exporting a layout. Spreads, however, should have the same ID so that mag+ knows they are connected.

5. Save your document and in the mag+ Vertical Panel click on "Export".

This will export your layout as a Vertical which will represent the first half of your spread.

Note: In order to export your document and have it appear correctly in the mag+ Production Tool, you must set up your InDesign export folder to match the Issue folder in the mag+ Production Tool. For more information on setting up an Issue folder, read the article "How to Structure the Mag+ Issue Folder".

6. Now create a second InDesign layout called "Spread Example 2" and place the rest of your content.

Now create a second InDesign layout called "Spread Example 2" and place the rest of your content.

7. Go to mag+ > mag+ Vertical Panel, and enter same ID ("Spread") and enter "2" in the field to the right of the dash.

8. Save and export this second layout.

Note: To connect additional Verticals, repeat steps 6-8, using the same ID in the Mag+ Vertical Panel but incrementing the number next to the dash.

9. Now go to the mag+ Production Tool and you will see both Verticals in the Clipboard area.

Now go to the Mag+ Production Tool and you will see both Verticals in the Clipboard area.

10. Drag one of the Verticals to the Issue area and you will see both thumbnails move as a single item.

Drag one of the Verticals to the Issue area and you will see both thumbnails move as a single item.

11. Review the Issue by clicking on the "Review All" button in the mag+ Production Tool.

Review the Issue by clicking on the "Review All" button in the Mag+ Production Tool.
Note: In order to review your document, you must set up a Reviewer device and configure the mag+ Production Tool. For more information, read the articles in the section "Reviewing Your Issue".

12. The spread will now appear as a unified item in the Navigation Scrubber of your app.

The spread will now appear as a unified item in the Navigation Scrubber of your app.
Note: Tap once on the screen of your review device to bring up the Navigation Scrubber.


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