Using the Android Reviewer

mag+ allows you to push content directly from the desktop to a mobile device for an immediate, true preview of what your content will look like on a tablet or smartphone.

Before you begin

  • Make sure your Android device and the computer running InDesign are on the same network
  • Download the latest version of the mag+ Reviewer app from Google Play

Reviewing layouts from InDesign

1. Launch the mag+ Reviewer on your Android device.

2. Tap on the screen to bring up the top navigation bar.

3. Tap on the icon in the left-hand side of the navigation bar to show the Reviewer menu.

4. Push the Device address to push your content.

5. In InDesign, show the Mag+ Settings panel.

In InDesign, show the Mag+ Settings panel.

6. Click on the "+" button under the heading "Push Review to Device".

Click on the "+" button under the heading "Push Review to Device".

7. In the window that appears, enter the IP address from your Android device.

In the window that appears, enter the IP address from your Android device.
Note: Except in unusual circumstances, the port will always be 5000. The only time to change the port is if your systems administrator determines there is a conflict with this port and advises you to use another.

8. Click on the "OK" button to save this device to the drop-down menu in the Mag+ Settings panel.

Click on the "OK" button to save this device to the drop-down menu in the Mag+ Settings panel.
Note: You can add multiple devices to this menu so that you can preview on different Android devices. Simply select the device from the list to make it the device the Mag+ plugin will use when pressing the "Review" button.

9. In the mag+ Vertical panel, you can now press the "Fast Review" or "Full Review" buttons to push the layout to your Android device.

In the Mag+ Vertical panel, you can now press the "Fast Review" or "Full Review" buttons to push the layout to your Android device.

Things to Note

  • "Fast Review" will have the InDesign plugin generate previews of your images, which can be lower resolution, but the push will go faster
  • "Full Review" can invoke Photoshop (if you have it configured) to resample images so that they will be of higher quality
  • "Fast Review" and "Full Review" will push the Vertical to the device you have selected in the Mag+ Settings panel
  • Your Android device should be on and the Mag+ Reviewer running in order to successfully receive layouts pushed from InDesign
  • When moving your device from one wireless network to another, your Push Address ID will change -- update the push settings in InDesign in order to push content to the device again


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