Creating Feature Builder Objects for iPad Retina

The Feature Builder has now been updated to be able to create objects for the iPad3 (retina display). The web view (html objects) on the iPad 3 considers the dimension to be 1024x768, therefore the html code has size dimensions being half of what you would expect. This is taken into consideration when we create the html object in Feature Builder.

The following steps describe how to create your Feature Builder object for the retina display.

  1. Draw the rectangle frame in InDesign in the size you want the objekt to be. Remember the size in 'mm' or 'inch'
  2. Create a new object in Feature Builder.
  3. Write the name and description you want for the HTML object.
  4. Change the drop down menu to millimeter or inches and fill in the height and width with the values from InDesign.
  5. Push the radio button, Retina, and a pixel size will appear. This size/ratio is the size you have to use for your pictures when you crop or make them in photoshop.
  6. Press next and choose the object you want and upload your pictures.
  7. Press Export to create your html file.


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HTML objects on iPad


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