As of mag+ v3.2 it is possible to create MIBs for the new iPad with the Retina display (a.k.a iPad Retina). As of v3.5, it's possible to do it with a single click.
- The "old" iPads (iPad 1 and 2) have a resolution of 768 x 1024 px at 132ppi, while the new retina iPad has a resolution of 1536 x 2048 px at 264ppi.
- MIBs made at the lower resolution will render on newer iPads by scaling up; however they will look noticeably more pixelated than native-resolution content.
- A MIB made at the retina resolution iPad will not load on an old iPad.
- If you want a native-resolution MIB to load on each device, you will have to create two versions of the MIB. When published on the Mag+ Publish, our system will distribute the right MIBs to the correct devices, if there is not a Retina MIB uploaded in Publish all readers will get the MIB made for the 768 x 1024 resolution.
- When you're exporting for the retina MIB, we highly recommend using the JPG output in the Settings tab of the plug-in if you can (ie, if you don't have transparency on images). This will greatly reduce file size for the retina MIB.
- Do not attempt to use the Universal MIB setting to create a single MIB for both devices—this works only for the embedded Help issue. It will not work for regular issue MIBs as Publish will not accept it.
How to Make a Retina-Resolution Issue:
In the Mag+ InDesign plugin (for v3.5 and above)
- Open the latest Mag+ InDesign template for iPad. (If you're just creating a retina version of an existing layout, skip to step 3.)
- Create your design, making sure your images have at least 264ppi of resolution at the size you are using them. Likewise, make sure any HTML elements use images created at the target resolution of the device.
- When your iPad layout is complete, click the arrow at the bottom of the Vertical panel in the Mag+ plug-in that says "Additional Devices" to open up the multi-device export panel.
- Check the iPad Retina box, and choose Scale from the pull-down menu. (If the document icon under the T column is red, click the Settings panel and under Device Templates, point to the most recent iPad Retina InDesign template.) Note, you can also design first on the iPad Retina and then export for iPad.
- Check the V box and then click the Export for Devices button.
- The system will automatically create a new InDesign document of your layout on the iPad Retina template, and will export that vertical to its own Issue Folder called iPad Retina (located inside the Issue Folder referenced in the plug-in). Read more about multi-device export here.
In the Mag+ Production tool
- Set the issue folder to one of the folders and create a MIB
- Set to the other folder and create another MIB
- Note! The GUID base (BrandID.IssueID) for the MIBs must be exactly the same but must have different numbers at the end. Use the same brand settings (magplus.mags) file for both and give both the same Issue ID (i.e., don't add "retina" to one). The numbering is set automatically by the production tool when creating a MIB so sometimes you might have to hit Create MIB multiple times until the numbering between the MIBs differ. (Note that creating the standard resolution MIB will take less time than the retina MIB.) You CANNOT change the version of the MIB just by changing the file name. The MIB version is hard-coded into the file when you export.
Examples of GUIDs that are OK:
Regular .mib GUID: "brandID.issueID.1"
iPad Retina .mib GUID: "brandID.issueID.3" - Note! An issue cannot contain a mix of verticals that have been exported for different devices. If you attempt to make a MIB out of an issue that has iPad and retina iPad verticals in it, you will get an error in Publish when you attempt to upload it.
In Publish
- Add new issue but upload two mibs, one for Retina and one for the old iPads. You will be able to choose version when you click "Upload MIB"
- When a download is requested from a reader, Publish will check what device type it is and send the reader the correct version automatically.