Adding A Table of Contents

Read the article Table of Contents for information on how to create a TOC in InDesign. This article will walk you through how you add the TOC to your issue once it is created.

Adding a TOC to an Issue

1. Create a TOC Vertical in InDesign and export it.

2. In the mag+ Production Tool, locate the TOC in the Clipboard area.

Note: You may need to refresh your Production Tool to see additions to the Clipboard. Simply click on the Refresh button in the lower left-hand corner of the Production Tool.

3. Drag the TOC from the Clipboard to the Issue area.

The TOC will show up automatically under the section ‘Other Objects’.

Setting the Size of the TOC

1. In the mag+ Production Tool, select the TOC vertical.

2. Alter the height and width in the Vertical Data property table at the top right of the Production Tool window.


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