Critical Mag+ Update, 4.2.2. July 22, 2013

Mag+ v4.2.2. contains a critical update—if you do not update your app to this version, there is a remote possibility that users upgrading to iOS7 when it is released this fall could get all of your issues for free. Apple has not set a release date for iOS7, but developers are working with beta versions today. iOS7 introduces some fundamental changes in how devices identify themselves, which can lead to users having access to issues they are not entitled to. The 4.2.2 update has a fix for this, so it is critical that you update your app to 4.2.2 before iOS7 is officially released, expected to be as early as September. Again, it is only a POSSBILITY that users who upgrade to iOS7 COULD get a subscription entitlement they did not buy, and there is no way a user could game this. Upgrading simply removes this possibility.

To learn how to update your app, click here. If you'd like us to take care of the app update for you with our Managed App Update service, contact your sales rep or

Regarding Adobe CC: We’re still working on Adobe CC compatibility for the Plug-In and we will release this update as soon as possible.


The 4.2.2 update of the Mag+ tools are now available. The update includes fixes for the Mag+ Reviewer app, Plug-in and Production Tool. The reviewer app is available for download from the App Store and the Plug-in and Production Tool from Here are the list of changes:

iOS app

  • Slideshow transitions now fade more smoothly.
  • Fix for layering on the A-layer. Sometimes when having several blocks with hot spots on the A-Layer, the hot spots were layered incorrectly, resulting in hot spots which didn’t work.
  • Fix to stop playing media when leaving a vertical.
  • “Delete All” in the Reviewer now works in the background and updates the UI better and quicker.
  • Load file:// URLs regardless of whether the device is online or not.
  • Fix for HTML blocks unloading too aggressively when going off screen.
  • The help menu item isn’t shown in the toolbar for single issue app’s help.


  • Fix for Slideshow getting sliced when placed on the A-layer and when filling more than half of the screen.
  • Fix for a Gap (spacer) appearing on the A-Layer between slideswhen using H-Landscape Master page in template.
  • Using downscaling with Photoshop should now work on all versions of Photoshop, on both OSX and Windows. This will help users who have seen the error message "Downscaling an image in Photoshop failed!".
  • Bonjour support is now in the Windows plugin, which means the plugin can automatically detect your devices when reviewing to your device. To use Bonjour you need to install it, so Bonjour installers have been added to the Windows installer and you need to run the 64 bit version if you run a 64 bit Win OS.

Production tool

  • "Edit vertical" should now work for dual layout verticals.
  • Preview view should no longer become cleared when adding Overlay Vertical.
  • Push checkbox should now be checked by default.
  • Fixed crash when trying to zoom on empty issue.


  • You can now offer your users the chance to opt-out of analytics. You can enable this feature under Build Options in the Apps tab, and the message can be customized under Application Texts. If this option is enabled, the app will display a pop-up message the first time the user runs the app asking if he would like to opt-out of anonymous analytics data capture. If he clicks yes, his device will not report any information to your analytics service. (Issue downloads for the device will still be captured in Publish and app downloads and all iTunes Connect statistics will still be recorded.) He will not be asked again, but the iPad/iPhone Settings will contain a way to toggle this choice.
  • Ability to change the download preposition in the language files. This means that you can change the preposition in “xxx mb of xxx mb” to fit the desired language. This can be customized under the Application Texts section of the Apps tab.


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