This morning we pushed a minor version update to the build server, meaning all new iOS builds will be version 4.1.3. We have also submitted an update to the iOS Reviewer to Apple—we hope that will be live next week. Here is a list of the bugs addressed in this release:
• Newsstand downloads work much better, including updating the cover image artwork and badging the app
• Manually downloaded issues will work better to keep downloading if the app is in the background
• HTML5 animations work in iOS 6 like they did in iOS 5, most specifically a vertical can contain two HTML blocks with animations again
• Compact vertical support is improved
• Audio will stop playing when moving off the vertical or leaving the app if the audio is not part of the playlist, continuing to play while in the background requires that your app is setup to keep playing audio
• Jump links with dual layouts work properly
• A jump link to a popup blockID on a vertical ID will cause the app to jump to that vertical and block and open the popup
• Change iPhone MIBs no longer inherit a default link highlight color
• Fix narrow A layer in dual layout could not display when rotating the device to landscape
• Fix close Now Reading if the user archives that issue in the library
• Fix for iPhone store detail layout