On January 28th we released an update to the Android and Kindle Fire Reviewer apps and to the app build server on Publish.
New Features:
-Pause on Download: The user can now pause and resume a download by clicking the download button.
*Note that there can still only be one active download at a time (i.e. starting a new download while a previous download is paused will cancel the previous download).
- Fixed file association (mib) for certain devices, in the Reviewer (more devices able to open mib directly from browser)
- Fixed crash when using Localytics without providing a key
- Fixed crash upon Rotate - Kindle Fire HD.
- Fixed crash upon pressing screen on first startup before import of demo mib has started.
- Fixed crash regarding use of Fullscreen Video on Kindle Fire with Android OS 4.0 +
- Fix transparant background on some HTML blocks
- Fix Knockback Color
- Fix Localytics reporting without specified reporting server
The release also includes fixes for some edgecases regarding:
Review processes, progress dialogs, media blocks, image blocks, previews, asynchronous Library updates, faulty downloads, and mibs with empty thumbnails.
The update is available on Android devices now, and in approximately one week on Kindle Fire. Until that time, you can download from this page.