After some big changes to the tools in the last couple of releases, 4.0 really focuses back on the reader app and the end user experience. We've rewritten the code for our reader from the ground up, making it faster, better and easier to use. At the same time, we've added iPhone (4 and the new 5), Android Mobile, and the new Kindles to our mix of supported devices. And we've made some great changes to the reviewer app.
If you're an existing Mag+ client, you can download the new 4.0 tools from today and run the installers to update, then head to Publish, click the Apps tab and build a 4.0 update for your app. The new app has a slightly different UI and more options for customization, so it's worth taking a look at this support article, which will walk you through the things you'll want to change.
As always, a 4.0 app will read older MIB versions, so you don't need to do anything to your back or current issues. Just make sure you don't upload a 4.0 MIB until your 4.0 app update is approved by Apple.
New in this release:
iOS Reader App
- All new code underlying the reader app. Just one great effect: You will no longer see a low-res preview of each page as it loads.
- New version of the reader optimized for iPhone (4 and 5), plus the ability to build universal apps.
- iOS6 support.
- New sharing options, including Facebook (with iOS6 update).
- Ability to purchase any iTunes Store content without leaving the app (with iOS6 update).
- You can now choose which space the app opens into by default: Store, Library, My Account, Live, or Help.
- Embedded Help issues are now optional.
- More customization in the app—virtually every color displayed anywhere is now customizable, while navigation buttons can still be customized as well.
- Search for issues by title and description in the Store and Library.
- The Live window is now a fullscreen space, making it more flexible for delivering online content into your app.
- Single-issue apps now bundle the issue file with the app, so you save on hosting and the customer doesn't have to wait for a second download
- New Android Mobile reader app optimized for smartphones, and ability to build universal Android apps.
- Improved user interface in all Android apps.
- Support for new Kindle Fires and Google Nexus 7 tablets.
Mag+ Tools
- The Reviewer app now has a Library, so you can store multiple documents there, rather than just the latest one.
- Any URL that ends in .mib will now download on your iPad and open in the Reviewer, so you can simply email a link for remote review.
- Bonjour support in the plug-in: You will no longer have to enter an IP address for your Reviewer into the Settings in the plug-in—it will simply find any nearby iPad running the reviewer (Mac only).
- Folder export: You can now export entire folder of verticals at once instead of one-by-one.
With this update, we are no longer supporting apps with versions prior to v3.0 . If you are on a 2.X version of the app, you will need to rebuild and submit an update for your app to continue to function. Also we are no longer supporting iOS4.
If you have any questions about the 4.0 release, post them in our User Forum.