Released: 2012-04-11
New Features
Creative tools
- Create and export retina-resolution (1536×2048 pixel; 264 ppi) MIBs by choosing iPad Retina from the Device pull-down menu in the plug-in.
- Build Kindle Fire resolution MIBs (1024×600; 169ppi) on the new Kindle Fire template and export them from the plug-in.
- Disable double-tap to turn off the A layer on two-layer verticals by selecting the checkbox “Always display A and B layer” in the plug-in.
- Revert to “long-press only” as the gesture to call up the navigation on a particular issue by selecting it in Production Tool.
- A new version of the reader app that will render a native-resolution interface on old and new iPads, and will render retina-resolution MIB files on new iPads.
- Tapping an issue cover in the library will now open that issue for reading; tapping a cover in the store will initiate an issue purchase.
- In-app store banners that have URLs attached to them will now open the links in an in-app browser rather than take the user out to Safari.
Android Reviewer app now available in Google Play.
- Upload multiple MIBs (iPad, iPad Retina, Fire) for the same issue and Publish will intelligently deliver the right resolution MIB to the right device.
- Choose any free or paid issue as a free inclusive issue to anyone who downloads the app.
Upgrading you apps to 3.2
In order for your app to render a crisp, full-resolution interface on the new iPad, and for it to read a new retina MIB, you must build a 3.2 reader app update in Publish. Note that you will now have to upload two versions of any customized image assets—icons, loading screens, banners, navigation icons—so the app can load native resolution interface on old and new iPads. You will also have to re-export your embedded Help MIB as a universal MIB that contains both standard and retina resolutions; just check the Univeral MIB setting in the Settings tab in the plug-in and create a new Help MIB. Once you’ve uploaded the new assets, just click Generate New Build and submit the update to Apple.
Read all the tips on how to create for the new retina iPad.