Update (3/27/2015): On Tuesday, March 31, 2015 Mag+ will stop serving content to version 4.4 iOS apps. As we first announced in October, 2014, this decision was based on iOS requirements and allows us to focus on adding new and innovative features to the Mag+ iOS app. Reminders were sent to customers in December, 2014 and again in January, 2015. This announcement serves as a final reminder and we urge any customers relying on the 4.4 iOS app to migrate to the 5.0 platform. For more information, please read the article “Migrating from Mag+ 4.x to 5.0.”
Update (1/12/2015): Mag+ will stop serving content to 4.4 apps on March 31, 2015. For information on how to migrate to Mag+ 5.0, please read the article "Migrating from Mag+ 4.x to 5.0".
Mag+ is preparing to stop supporting version 4.4 of its branded iOS app. As of Dec 31, 2014, you will no longer be able to build Mag+ 4.4 iOS apps alongside their 5.x versions, and support services will cease for 4.4 iOS apps.
Please note that existing 4.4 apps will continue to function; customers will just be unable to generate new 4.4 builds. Version 4.4 InDesign Plugins and Production Tool applications will also continue to work with the Mag+ 5.x iOS app.
Before Mag+ 5.0 was released on January 29, 2014, we informed customers that 5.0 was designed to address new restrictions regarding apps submitted to the iTunes App Store. As of February 1, 2014, Apple required that all apps and updates submitted to the App Store must be built on the iOS 7 native SDK. Mag+ 5.0 addressed that requirement.
For enterprise customers, however, Mag+ continued to offer the option to build Mag+ 4.4 apps for internal distribution only.
With the advent of iOS 8 and recent statistics that show iOS 7 has reached over 87% adoption, we have decided that it’s time to discontinue the widespread ability to build Mag+ 4.4 apps. This allows Mag+ to focus more resources on new and innovative features.
For information on how to migrate to Mag+ 5.0, please read the article "Migrating from Mag+ 4.x to 5.0".
We at Mag+ value our relationship with you and remain committed to providing the best app content creation tools in the industry. If you have any questions on this matter, please contact your Mag+ account executive.