iOS - Creating In-App Purchases for Individual Issues

Important Information and Prerequisites

  • You cannot create In-App purchases for single-issue apps. mag+ single-issue apps are apps that are published once and cannot be updated. They contain the content of a single Issue.
  • To create In-App purchases, you must first request a contract for iOS paid apps. This can be found under the "Agreements, Tax and Banking" section in AppStore Connect.

Because Apple must approve all In-App purchases—not the content, just that the “token” associated with it is set-up correctly—we recommend creating In-App purchases for all Issues that you plan to release during the year and submit them all at once for approval. You can just leave the “Cleared for sale” radio button set to “No” until those Issues are ready to be published.

How To Create In-App Purchases in AppStore Connect

1. Login to AppStore Connect  and click "My Apps."

2. Click on the app you wish to modify.

The App Information page will display, similar to what is shown below.

3. Click on the "Features" tab to see a list of all In-App purchases associated with your app (or create your first one)

4. Click on "+" to create a new In-App purchase.

5. In the screen that appears, select the "Non-Consumable" option.

Since you are creating an In-App purchase to allow your end-users to purchase individual Issues, you choose "Non-Consumable." There are other types of In-App purchases you can create for different types of content, such as Subscriptions. For more information on In-App purchases for Subscriptions, please read the article "iOS - Creating In-App Purchases for Subscriptions."

Note: If you do not see a "Consumable" option, it is likely because you have not requested and completed the Paid Apps contract. This can be found under the "Agreements, Tax and Banking" section in iTunes Connect.

6. Configure the options for your In-App Purchase.

General Settings

  • Reference Name: This name is only for your own reference. it will be viewed in iTunes Connect and in sales and trend reports.
  • Product ID: We recommend using the same format you used when creating your Brand ID with an additional section that includes the issue name. For example: com.brand.publication.issue001.
Note: Product ID is the Apple Product ID you enter when adding a new Issue in the mag+ Publish portal. Therefore, keeping it relatively simple is recommended.

Pricing and Availability

  • Cleared for Sale: Choose "Yes" if the Issue is correctly uploaded to the mag+ Publish portal and you wish to make the Issue available as soon as Apple approves the token. Choose "No" if you plan to publish this Issue at a later date.
  • Price Tier: View Apple's Pricing Matrix and then choose the price tier for the Issue.

In-App Purchase Details

  • Language: Click "Add Language" to add a language setting for your In-App purchase.
    • Choose your language from the drop-down menu.
    • Display Name: This Display Name is shown on your customer's iTunes receipt. The Issue name shown in the app is set in the mag+ Publish portal.
    • Display Description: This Display Description is shown on your customer's iTunes receipt. The Issue description shown in the app is set in the mag+ Publish portal.
  • Hosting Content with Apple: This should be set to "No." Content of your Issues will be hosted by mag+ or, optionally, yourself.
  • Review Notes (Optional): This is where additional information about your In-App purchase that can be included to help Apple with its review. It is generally unneeded.
  • Screenshot for Review: Before you submit your In-App Purchase for review, you must upload a screenshot. The screenshot is for review purposes only and won't be displayed in the App Store. Screenshots must be as per following standards.
    • 5.8-Inch Super Retina Display

1125 x 2436 pixels for portrait (Optional)

2436 x 1125 pixels for landscape (Optional)

  • 5.5-Inch Retina Display

1242 x 2208 pixels for portrait (for iPhone apps)

2208 x 1242 pixels for landscape - Required if app runs on iPhone

  • 12.9-Inch Retina Display

2048 x 2732 pixels for portrait (for iPad apps)

2732 x 2048 pixels for landscape (for iPad apps)

7. Click "Save" when done.

Publishing an In-App Purchase Issue: Next Steps

The following items need to be completed to make your content live in your app:

Note: Be sure to input the Apple Product ID for the matching In-App purchase in the appropriate field in the mag+ Publish portal.
  • You should review the Issue on your test devices before making it live. Read the article "iOS - How to Install Your Test App" for more information.
  • When satisfied, publish the Issue in the mag+ Publish portal. Read the article "Managing Issues" for information on how to publish mag+ Issues.
  • After the Issue is published, you must go into iTunes Connect and change the "Cleared for Sale" status of the matching In-App purchase to "Yes" and save.
  • Your content will be available for purchase in your app within a few hours.


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