Adding a new app in AppStore Connect is different than submitting a completed app you have built in mag+. You can think of the app listed in iTunes Connect as the placeholder that is shown in Apple's App Store. You create this placeholder before you submit your mag+ app because there are several pieces of information necessary to enter into the mag+ Publish portal. Once the information is entered, you build your app in mag+ and upload it to the placeholder you created in iTunes Connect.
If you are looking for information on how to submit an app you created in the mag+ Publish portal to iTunes Connect, please read the article "iOS - How to Submit Your App to the App Store."
Before you Begin
- Be sure to create an App ID in the iOS Dev Center
How to Add a New App in AppStore Connect
3. Set the basic app information and click "Create."
- Name: Enter the name of your app as it will appear in the App Store (note that this is not the name that appears under the icon—that is set in the mag+ Publish Portal).
- User Access: Access you want to give to use the app.
- Primary Language: This should be set to the language used in your app.
- SKU Number: A unique identifier for your app that is only used in reports.
- Bundle ID: Select the ID that was automatically generated when you created your App ID. Once it has been selected, you will be unable to change it for this app. If you did not yet create a Bundle ID, this option will be unavailable.

4. Fill out the app information.
4.1. Click on Prepare for submission and fill the version information and other details.
Version Information
All screenshots should be:
- 72 dpi, RGB, flattened, no transparency
- High-quality JPEG or PNG image file format
Note: The images required will change based on the devices you are targeting with your app. Once you have uploaded a binary to iTunes Connect, Apple will know which images are required and will not allow you to submit your app until they are provided
While click on iOS Screenshot you can able to see the actual size of the image you want to use in the app.
Other Version Info
- Description: A description of the app you are adding, detailing features and functionality. Descriptions cannot be longer than 4,000 characters. Specific information is needed to prevent rejection. Please refer to the article "iOS - Avoid Apple Rejection" for more information.
- Keywords: These are your app’s iTunes search terms. Please note that this list should be comma separated, does not require spaces between terms, and is limited to 100 characters (including commas and any spaces used). These can only be changed on an app update.
- Support URL: A URL with support information for your app that will be visible on the App Store. Please note this can be the contact page or support page from your website if you do not create a specific one for the app. In addition, it must be a live URL (not under construction) and needs to have a contact form (or email) included in a prominent and clearly visible spot on the page.
- Marketing URL (Optional): A URL with marketing information about your app. This URL will be visible on the App Store.
- Privacy policy: This can be the same as on your website. Must be a live URL and not under construction. Required if you provide subscriptions. Apple links to this URL on a customer's receipt.
5. Fill out the General App Information.
Important General App Information
- App Icon: A large version of your app icon that will be used on the App Store. It must be at least 72 DPI, in the RGB color space, and 1024 x 1024 pixels (it cannot be scaled up). The file type must be .jpeg, .jpg, .tif, .tiff, or .png. It must be flat artwork without rounded corners. This can only be changed with an app update.
- Copy right: You can use the url of your company to indicate that all rights and reserve of this app belongs to you.
- Rating: Here you set each area appropriately. Please note that the answer you provide will affect the rating of your app.
Note: As long as your content does not display links to potentially objectionable material, you typically do not need to label it as "Unrestricted Web Access." For more information on this, refer to the article "iOS - Reference - More Information on 'Unrestricted Web Access.'"
6. Click on the "Pricing" tab to set app availability and price.
Important Information
- Availability Date: Apple may take up to 10 business days to review your app after it has been submitted. Setting this date to under 10 days will not get it approved faster. If you would like for the app to become available as soon as it is approved, you can set the date to the current date. If you would like to delay the release following its approval, you can set the date to a year in advance and then change the date when you are ready to release.
- Price Tier: This price is for the app shell and should generally be marked as free if you intend on selling individual pieces of content inside the app (such as individual Issues and Subscriptions).
- Discount for Education: Note this only applies to paid apps (not free apps with in-app content for sale — such as Issues or Subscriptions).
- Custom B2B: B2B apps are special apps that require a special invitation in order to let them be downloaded. For more information on B2B apps, please refer to the official Apple documentation.
7. Click on the Feature tab Configure In-app Purchases(Optional)
Depending on the type of app you are creating, you may wish to offer offer subscriptions. The steps necessary to do this are covered later when you are ready to build your app.
9. Locate and copy the "Apple ID" assigned to your new app.
Note: The Apple ID is different than the App ID you created previously. The Apple ID is a number automatically generated by AppStore Connect and can be found in the "General App Information" section under the app icon (as seen below).
10. Login to the mag+ Publish portal and go to Apps > iOS > App Store Settings.

App Creation: Next Steps
Creating an app in AppStore Connect is only one step in creating an iOS app for distribution. Please refer to the additional articles in this section for information on setting up distribution certificates, provisioning profiles, and configuring in-app purchases. These items correspond to settings in the mag+ Publish portal. The portal will actually build your customized iOS app. You will then upload this app to the Apple App Store or to your own internal distribution servers (for enterprise customers only)