Any time you’d like to make content available to users of your app — whether the content is free or paid — you must create a mag+ Issue in the mag+ Publish portal. It is there that you create an Issue entry and upload MIB files exported from the mag+ Production Tool which is then served to your end-users.
Issues will be ordered in your app's Issues screen according to publication date. The newest Issue will appear first (following any Subscription Products you created). By default, Issues are listed from left-to-right and then on a new row according to the publication date.
If you are creating apps that aren't periodicals (magazines, journals, etc.), make sure to publish your Issues in the right order (i.e. that the Issue you want to appear first in the grid is the last one you publish).
Note that you can create Issues in whichever order you like, it's just pressing the Publish button that affects the display order.
How to Add a New Issue in the mag+ Publish Portal
1. Log-in to the mag+ Publish portal at .
2. Click on the Issues tab.

4. In the screen that appears, fill out the Issue details.
Basic Info
• Title: This is the Issue label displayed together with the Issue cover in the Grid, Preview mode, and if the Issue is selected as Featured Content.
• Description: Text displayed with the Title and Cover when previewed and when the Issue is selected as Featured Content.
• Publication status: Status of the Issue: Unpublished or Published. You can't publish an Issue unless all the necessary information and fields have been filled out.
• Store image (Required): The image that will be displayed for the Issue in your app.
iOS: Used within the app for Issue Cover.
Android: Used within the app for the Issue Cover.
Requirements: PMG, at least 72 dpi, min. width or height: 1024, maximum ratio: 1:2 to 2:1
Additional resources
Only needed for mag+ SDK solutions. Explanation for these parameters can be found in the SDK documentation.
Distribution Platforms
Check the box for the platform(s) you want your Issue to be available on. If a platform is not selected, the Issue will not appear in the app even if content is uploaded for that device.
Include in Apple Subscription Products
Here you can select which Apple subscriptions to assign to the Issue. If an Apple subscription product is unchecked, the Issue will not be included in that subscription. For more information, read the article "Including or Excluding Issues from Subscriptions".
• Entitlement Category: Whether the Issue is a Free Issue, Paid Issue, or Subscription API Issue. Free issues are automatically added to an end-user's Issues Screen and not listed for sale. Paid Issues require a product identifier from iTunes Connect, Google Play or Amazon Market. "Entitled through Subscriptions API" marks an Issue as only available to end-users who have logged in via a custom login screen that you create using the mag+ Subscription API.
In-app Product Identifiers
• iTunes Connect In-app Product ID: This is the In-App Purchase Product ID from iTunes Connect that corresponds to this Issue. For details on how to create in-app purchases in iOS, read the article "iOS - Create In-app Purchases for Issues".
• Google Play Product ID: This is the identifier from Android Market for the In-app Purchase that corresponds to this Issue. For details on creating in-app purchases in Google Play, read the article "Android - Setting-Up Your App and Creating an In-app Product in Google Play".
• Amazon Market Product SKU: This is the identifier from Amazon Market for the In-app Purchase (labeled SKU) that corresponds to this Issue. For details on creating in-app purchases in the Amazon Market, read the article "Android - Add In-App Items to your Kindle Fire app".
Auto-Download Notifications
When publishing an Issue, you can choose to send Auto-Download Notifications to iOS Apps for the selected users. This setting cannot be changed after publishing.
• All: All users that have installed the app and selected to accept push notifications.
• Subscribers: All users that have bought a subscription from the in-app store.
• None: - Don't send notifications.
How to Add Issue Content
In order to Publish your Issue, you must upload at least one MIB (mag+ Issue Bundle) from the mag+ Production Tool. If you are planning to publish on several platforms, you'll need to upload at least one MIB per platform (and possibly more if you want to provide content that specifically takes advantage of high-resolutions screens or different devices within a platform).
Important Information
When uploading MIB files for multiple devices, it is very important that the GUID name (Brand and Issue ID) for all the MIB files are the same but the GUID version number at the end of the string must be different. The mag+ Production Tool will normally take care of this detail for you. In extreme cases, however, it is possible to manually change the GUID of a MIB. For more information, read the article "Manually Change the GUID of a MIB".
Refer to example below displaying correct GUID format with ascending GUID version numbers.

2. Choose the device that will receive the content and click on "Browse" to locate the associated MIB file.
Important Information
You should upload MIB files produced by the mag+ Production Tool for the different platforms you have selected for distribution. mag+ will try to serve content to different devices even if you don't upload an optimized MIB. Realize, however, that scaling and cropping may occur if the content is not optimized for the device's screen. To read more about how different MIBs map to different devices, read the article "Reference - Device and Issue Compatibility".
You have the possibility to store your content on mag+ servers or on your own servers. If using your own servers, you can do the following:
• If hosted by mag+ or your own Amazon S3 account: Click "Browse", find your file, and upload it. If you
are using your own amazon S3 account, you must fill out the External Storage settings located under
the Admin tab in the mag+ Publish portal.
• If hosted on your own server: Click on the link labeled 'Click here to host on your own server' and enter
the full URL pointing to the MIB file.
3. mag+ will return you to the Issue Detail screen and process the uploaded MIB and associate it with the Issue.
Note: If the mag+ Publish portal encounters any problems processing your MIB, you will be notified.
4. Repeat steps 1-4 for each MIB you wish to associate with the Issue.
How to Publish an Issue
To make your Issue content available in your app, you must publish it first.
How to Update a Live Issue
If after publishing you notice there are errors in the content, you can upload a new MIB to the same Issue. For more information read the article "How to Update an Issue".