In-App Subscriptions - Including or Excluding Content (iOS and Kindle Fire Only)

In-app Subscriptions typically entitle subscribers to all content published for the duration of their subscription, but mag+ allows you to specifically include or exclude any particular Issue to your in-app subscribers on iOS or Kindle.

You cannot exclude Issues from a Google Play subscription subscribers there get access to all content while they are subscribers, and no content when their subscription expires.

Note: You can always create custom entitlements to more strictly control those who are getting Issues by using the mag+ Subscription API. For more information, read the article "mag+ Subscription API - Adding Custom Access Control and Entitlements to Apps."

Before you begin

How to Include a mag+ Issue in an iOS Subscription

1. In the mag+ Publish portal, click on the "Issues" tab.

2. Click on the "Edit Issue" icon next to an existing Issue.

3. Under "Include in Apple subscription products" place a checkmark next to the Subscriptions that you want to associate with the Issue.

Under "Include in Apple subscription products" place a checkmark next to the Subscriptions that you want to associate with the Issue.
Note: Changes to content included in a Subscription after you publish your Issues only affects future subscribers. For example, if you publish an Issue with an "Include in Apple Subscription Products" option checked, then later go back and uncheck the box, everyone who previously subscribed will continue to have access to that Issue. Only new subscribers will not.

4. Click on the "Save" button to save your changes.

Click on the "Save" button to save your changes.

Examples for use

  • Special Content: You publish special content which is not part of your normal monthly publishing cycle. You only want to sell this content as a single mag+ Issue; regular subscribers to your app should not get this special content automatically. When you create the mag+ Issue, the settings should be:
    • Include in Apple Subscription Product: all products unchecked
    • Entitlement Category: Paid Issue (with the appropriate In-app Product Identifier filled in to match to an existing iOS In-app Purchase)
  • Changing From a Free Subscription to a Paid Subscription: You offer a free subscription when you first launch the app, but after six months you decide to take that down and make it a paid subscription. Because you can't delete an active subscription, you can instead just stop delivering mag+ Issues to that subscription product. For each new mag+ Issue you create, the settings should be:
    • Include in Apple Subscription Product: check only the new paid subscription you created
    • Entitlement Category: Paid Issue (with the appropriate In-app Product Identifier filled in to match to an existing iOS In-app Purchase)
  • Including Content in an Annual Subscription but Paid for Others: The "Include in Apple Subscription Products" setting allows you to decide which in-app subscriptions a mag+ Issue should be included in. You are a publisher that offers both an annual and a monthly subscription, but only those who have purchased an annual subscription should get this mag+ Issue automatically. Monthly subscribers will see the Issue available for purchase in the Issue Grid. When you create the mag+ Issue, the settings should be:
    • Include in Apple Subscription Product: Only the "Annual Subscription" product should be checked
    • Entitlement Category: Paid Issue (with the appropriate In-app Product Identifier filled in to match to an existing iOS In-app Purchase)
Note: When "Free Issue" is selected, the Issue will be available to everyone to download.

Inclusive Issues: How to Give Bonus Content to Subscribers (iOS and Kindle Fire)

Another option available is to designate a mag+ Issue as "inclusive" to an existing subscription. This means that regardless of when the Issue was published, all subscribers will be entitled to download the content. This is another way to create incentives for users to subscribe. This is a live option you can change any time without having to rebuild your app.

Note: This should be used only on Issues with an Entitlement Category of "Paid Issue", as a "Free Issue" will always be available to all users. 

1. In the mag+ Publish portal, click on the "Subscriptions" tab.

2. Click on the "Edit Subscription" button to the right of the Subscription name.

Click on the "Edit Subscription" button to the right of the Subscription name.

3. Under "Inclusive Issues" select a published mag+ Issue.

Under "Inclusive Issues" select a published Mag+ Issue.

4. Click on the "Save" button to save your changes.


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