Reference - Settings in the Admin Tab in the mag+ Publish Portal

How to Access the Admin Tab


1. Login to the mag+ Publish portal at (

2. Click on the "Admin" tab.

General Settings

General Settings
  • Basic info
    • Title: Here you can enter the name of your brand or publication. This name is only seen by you in the mag+ Publish portal. if you're the brand administrator for several publications, you will see brands listed in a grid when you first log in to the mag+ Publish portal.
    • Publisher: Name of the company publishing the title.
  • External Link Schema (iOS Only)
    • This is the URL schema used to link to mag+ Issues and Subscriptions from outside your app. An example entry would read: magplus1914victorsapp://issue/123

External Storage

External Storage lets you host your own content on an Amazon account. For more information, please refer to the article "Hosting Issues Yourself".

Subscription API

Subscription API

This setting is only visible if your account has been set to use the mag+ Subscription API. This feature allows you to add your own login window to your app, which you can use to gate content. The API allows the app to communicate with your user/entitlement database so you can validate sign-ins and return to the app a list of mag+ Issues that users can access.

This option is free for all mag+ customers. Contact your mag+ sales rep to get it activated.

For specific Subscription API settings, read the article "mag+ Subscription API - Settings Available in the mag+ Publish portal".

Publish Layout

You can customize the top banner in the mag+ Publish portal to use your own logo and company colors.

Administrators of this Publication

Here you can add and remove people who can access your mag+  Publish portal. It shows a list of current administrators. All administrators have full access to all settings in your mag+ Publish portal, including adding or deleting other admins. Admins will get an email notification that they have been added.


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