Analytics - Understanding Flurry Custom Events

One of the analytics choices mag+ offers is Flurry, and in that we have some custom events that let you dig a little deeper into what people are doing in your app. 

To learn more about the Flurry analytics platform, please read the article "Analytics - Using Flurry Analytics."

How to Get Custom Events in Flurry

1. In Flurry, go to your app and click on Events.

2. Click on Event Logs where you can export .csv files (spreadsheets) for each of the custom events.

3. Open the logs in a spreadsheet program like Excel.

You can do some sorting to get aggregate numbers on the individual events captured there (several fields are captured in a single cell, but you can divide that cell into separate columns by using features available in your spreadsheet program. For example, in Excel you can use the menu "Data > Text to Columns" and then divide on the ":" character and the "," character. This will give you individual columns to sort on.

Custom Events Available from Flurry

  • App_closed:
    • Time_in_app: This is time spent in the app between app open and app closed in seconds. 
  • Link_invoked: This is measuring the tapping of a hotspot. A hotspot can be attached to a media file (movie, audio) or a pop-up, or a URL or jumplink.
    • Is_media_link: Displays whether or not that link is to call an embedded video or audio file. You can also see in the link: field what the tap invoked - pop-ups will be labeled as such and external URLs will be visible there as well.
    • Issue_id: The file name of that issue file, which is something you define in the mag+ Production Tool and is a combination of the brand and the issue name (set in the mag+ Production Tool).
    • Vertical_id: The ID of that vertical as defined by the designer in the mag+ InDesign Plugin.
  • Vertical_read:
    • Deck_percentage: In mag+ the deck is the B layer and the tower is the a layer. So this value tells you how much of the B layer was viewed. If you only have one B layer slide, it will render at 100% if the page is viewed because that top slide will be loaded. If you have a vertical that has two B-layer slides (two pages in that InDesign doc), and the user never scrolls down, it will render as 50% because they've seen half of the B layer slides that are available.  
    • Tower_percentage: Tower is capturing how much of the A layer was brought into view as a percentage of how much was available.
    • Time: Time spent on that vertical in seconds. 
    • Toggled_layers: Whether or not somebody double-tapped to turn the A layer on or off. 
  • Video_watched: If an embedded (not streaming or HTML) video is in the vertical, this will show you how much of it was watched, both in seconds and as a percentage; the issue_ID shows which issue that was in.


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