Important Information
- Before building an app, please make sure you have set-up your distribution channels (Google Play and/or the Amazon App Store). You will need information from these marketplaces in order to build your app. For more information read the section "Setting Up Distribution Channels."
- Make sure you have customized your app with icons, custom colors, and more. For more information on customizing your app, refer to the article "Android - How to Customize Your App's Look and Feel."
How to Configure Your App for Free Content
1. Upload your mag+ Issues to the mag+ Publish portal with the settings listed below.
Important Issue Settings
- Make sure the "Entitlement Category" is set to "Free Issue"
- For General Android Devices: Leave the "Google Play product ID" field blank
- For Amazon Kindle Fire Devices: Leave the "Amazon Market product SKU" field blank
Note: For more information on creating and uploading mag+ Issues, refer to the article "Managing Issues."
2. You are now ready to build your Android app.
Refer to the article "Android/Kindle Fire - Building an App Step-by-Step" for instructions on how to build your app.