In the mag+ Publish portal, you can enter settings for the implementation of the mag+ Subscription API, which allows you to gate content behind a log-in window that authenticates users in your user database.
To learn more about the mag+ Subscription API, read the article "mag+ Subscription API - Adding Custom Access Control and Entitlements to Apps". Contact your mag+ sales representative to get the API activated for your brand and to get detailed documentation on implementing the API—it is a free feature for all mag+ users.
How to Change mag+ Subscription API Settings
1. In the mag+ Publish portal, click on the tab labeled "Admin".

3. Change the settings and click on "Save".
Available Options
- Enable Subscription API
- Inactive: The mag+ Subscription API is not enabled.
- Test devices only: Disable the standard functionality of Test Devices and enables the mag+ Subscription API for those devices. Test devices will no longer have access to all Issues and will instead be used for testing content accessed through the mag+ Subscription API.
- All devices: Enables the mag+ Subscription API for all devices.
Note: "Enable Subscription API" is a live option and does not require rebuilding your app.
- CDS Integration
- Enable CDS Integration: Check only if the company CDS is your subscription fulfillment provider.
- CDS Magazine Code (Required if Enable CDS Integration enabled): The CDS internal magazine code; CDS will provide this to you.
- CDS Special Product Codes (Optional): A comma-separated list of CDS special product codes (eg 'A, C') required for a subscriber to be entitled.
Note: If CDS is your fulfillment provider, you do not need to fill out any of the other fields below.
- API Key
- API Key: This is a generated API key that will get sent as a parameter with all requests to the the service endpoints.
- API Endpoints
- Entitlements URL: Enter the full URL to the entitlements endpoint. When the app queries the Mag+ backend for entitlements for a user, it will ask this endpoint for the expected response.
- Publish issue URL: Enter the full URL to the publish issue endpoint. This is an optional endpoint that will allow the Mag+ system to notify your system when a new issue is published so you can add it to your issue table.
- Download complete URL: Enter the full URL to the download issue complete endpoint. This is also an optional endpoint that allows the mag+ system to notify your system when an entitled user has successfully completed an issue download.
- My Account View
- My Account view URL: Enter the full URL to the user account page endpoint. This is what will show when the user taps the "My Account" button in your mag+ app. You build and host this login page, as it is a login to your system, not to mag+.
- My Account view height: Enter the height (in pixels) of your My Account webview window. If you'd like it fullscreen, enter "5000".
- My Account view width: Enter the width of (in pixels) of your My Account webview window. If you'd like it fullscreen, enter "5000".
- Open my account view on start: Enable if you'd like the My Account view to be the first thing a user sees when they first open your app.
- Promotions
- Promotion code: The default promotion code for new users. This allows you to return a popup message to users with your entitlement reply.
- Promotion message: The default promotion message to display.
Note: To specify a mag+ Issue that is only available to users logged-in via the Subscription API, edit the Issue and set its Entitlement Category to "Entitled through Subscription API." For more information, read the article "Managing Issues."