How to Create/Change an In-App Banner
Examples of the same banner shown cropped in portrait mode and then fully in landscape mode.
1. Create your Banner in any image-editing application.
4. Click on the Banners link.
5. (Optional) Set a Banner Display Time (in milliseconds) if you will upload multiple Banners that you wish to have rotate in your app.
Note: 1000 milliseconds will display each banner for 1 second. 5000 milliseconds for 5 seconds, etc.
6. Click on the "Upload Image" button to browse to your local image and upload it to the mag+ server.
7. (Optional) Specify a link that you wish to have followed if a user clicks on the Banner.
Standard links (eg https://\P ) will open in the device's default browser (ie mobile Safari). Banner links prefixed with "openwindow-http://" will open in the embedded in-app browser. You can also enter links to other Issues, Subscriptions, and Spaces within your app by entering a mag+ Link URL. For more information, read the article "URL Format for Links in Apps" to see the possible options.
8. To add more Banners, click on the "Add Banner" button.
Note: As of version 5.0 of mag+, you may have an unlimited number of Banners associated with an app.