With the 6.5 mag+ Designd Plugin version you can now create an image block type called an "Image Sequence" that points to a directory of multiple image files to create a sequence of images. With the Image Sequence feature, the user will be able to tap to play an animation of the sequence or swipe through the sequence of images. This feature would commonly be used to create a three-dimensional, rotating image but can be used for any form of frame-by-frame image sequence animation.
NOTE: The Designd Plugin cannot create individual images from an animated .gif or video file but there are tools that can do this for you, or you can shoot your own image sequence.
How to Set Up your Image Sequence object
1. In InDesign, draw an image block on the content layer where the sequence image will appear.
3. Select the assets folder that contains the multiple image files for your sequence.
NOTE: Be sure to select the folder containing your image files and not an individual image within the folder.
4. Adjust the settings for your Image Sequence.
TIP: You can hover your cursor over each setting in the Design Plugin panel to read a short description of each option.
Image Sequence Panel Settings
When an InDesign object is selected and the mag+ Object Type is set to Image Sequence, the following options are available:
- Object ID: This field does not have to be filled out for Image Sequence but can be used in conjunction with Popup Objects.
- Horizontal/Vertical Pin/Snap: Image Sequence objects can have pinning and snapping just like any other mag+ object
- Tap to Play: Enables tap gesture to activate sequence
- Speed: Set the Frames Per Second (fps) that the sequence plays
- Auto Play: The sequence will automatically start
- Delay: Adds a delay before the sequence auto plays
- Stop At Last: Stops the sequence at the last image
- Play: Set the number of times the sequence can be played
- Loop: Allows sequence to loop
- Delay: Adds a delay before the sequence auto plays
- Swipe For Next Image: Enables user-swipeable interaction to traverse through sequence
- Stop At First And Last: Prevents sequence from looping from user interaction
- Play In Reverse: Plays sequence if reverse order.
Image Sequence Tips
- You can apply multiple options such as 'auto play' and 'swipe for next image' to display an animation that is also interactive
- You can have multiple Image Sequence's on a Vertical and they can even overlap.
NOTE: Be aware of the memory limitations of devices — more images equals a bigger file which can translate to slower performance.